We decided to ‘take the day off’ which usually means not getting up so early or driving too far. Karen found some information on the internet that was at least 50 or more years old. Today was the day we’d try to find one of them.
So off we went to Florence Junction, turned left shortly after the junction. The road that led to a skeleton service station sign and a cement foundation. We curved left with the old road and discovered an older subdivision with smaller local roads accessing the homes. Soon after we came to what we assumed was the ‘old bridge’ and shortly after that we pulled off the road to an open space under the power lines. We didn’t find a lot of anything. I think the area had been too disturbed in the past 30 years or so.
We then drove around the area exploring and making a few stops. At ‘one stop’ Karen and I went down to the wash to see if there was anything interesting…no. So we bundled back into the jeep and stopped once more down the road – that’s when Carmen realized she didn’t have her purse or camera bag. So we frantically piled into the jeep and went to the last stop. We saw her coffee cup at the entrance to the street as a post office truck came out of the road and then we saw Carmen’s purse sitting beside the road where we had previously parked just down from the corner. Unfortunately – not so lucky on the camera bag. Apparently she put everything on the Jeep bumper while looking for desert roses and forgot to put things into the car when we left. We speculate that the camera bag may have been in the post truck since we searched along the sides of the road and found nothing.
After that bit of bad luck we were finished for the day and went back to the house. Carmen and I went camera shopping later in the afternoon. In the future we’ll have to remember to check the bumpers before driving off.