2018 Nov 2 and Dec 1 Hieroglyphic Canyon

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2018 Nov 2 and Dec 1 Hieroglyphic Canyon

On Nov 1 we headed for Mesa around 7:00 and arrived at 2:30.  Karen and Serra stopped at Sprouts to pick up some food and lucky us, Serra made supper!  Unloaded and settled in we got organized for our hike to Hieroglyphic Canyon in the morning.

Serra, Karen Jade and I arrived at the trail head around 8:30 and started up the 1.5 mile trail (3 miles return).  Its a great desert hike in the cool morning – prickly pear, saguaro, cholla cactus along the path.  A bit of rock scrambling at the end with a possible pool of water or waterfall depending on the time of the year and Hohokam petroglyphs in the basalt cliff face. The Hohokam people lived in central and southern Arizona as early as 500 A.D.

When Stewart came down to Mesa at the end of November I had to take him on this favorite hike.  It has been very cool here this Nov/Dec so we were able to get a later start than usual…and began the hike about 10:00 am.

Hieroglyphic Trail and Petroglyphs:


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